Thursday, August 7, 2014

Day 7 continued. Inking the scene and our first zine.

After Bernard's discussion on using local landscapes in his work, it was time for the students to have a go.

We went out to the yard, and with a paper frame as a composition guide, the students drew three panels.

#1 was a longshot

#2 was a mid shot, and #3 a close up

Back in the class it was time to get inking. The next task was to take a page from an existing comic. Each student was given a different page, and had to trace the outlines of the panel layout, as well as ink in one of the panels.

But this was just the beginning! The next job was to complete the narrative and fill in the panels that lead up to and continued on from the one they had inked.

All these images were then scanned and collated....

But even that's not all.

With a front cover designed by Aden

Some front matter text inked in by Flick

And some concluding acknowledgements from Liam

And of course a concluding image from Speed

We have a finished Zine....

All students took home a copy, and everyone agreed it wasn't bad for a day's work.


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